@anoush-anou.  8×10 Impossible Project Gen2 B&W instant film.  Copyright 2016, William Lawrence.

@anoush-anou, with fan.  8×10 wet-plate on aluminum.  Copyright 2016, William Lawrence.@pattyhankins and I had a great shoot with the lovely Anoush Anou last weekend!

@ammontoya.  Taken on Impossible Project 8×10 B&W gen2 film.  Copyright 2016, William Lawrence.

@blueriverdream, with wine and rose.  Taken on Impossible Project 8×10 B&W gen2 instant film.  Copyright 2016, William Lawrence.@blueriverdream, @pattyhankins, and I had a great time doing some basic scene design during this shoot, and Blue did a fabulous job...

@ammontoya, with pearls.  Impossible Project 8×10 B&W gen2 “instant” film.  Copyright 2016, William Lawrence.I have a love-hate relationship with IP’s new 8×10 B&W film.  So far three of five shots (including this one) have been destroyed by the film...